And just like that, it begins...
Not sure how this will go and I make no promises about post frequency. All I know is this: for as long as I can remember, I've been a writer. Don't get me wrong; I'm no professional writer. However, I've always used writing as therapy, as fun, and as escape. At times, I've written poetry - often depressing; other times, I've written music - often badly; and yet other times, I've written mini-stories. Heck, I even have the seeds of a novel tucked away. The point is, I've always enjoyed it. At this point, I hope you do too.
Honestly, I'm not sure where this blog will go. I do know that after this post, I will begin work on my 2nd - a review of the rally for peace and against terror in Chicago today. Beyond that, my blogging may explore various topics such as Israel/American Jewry, the state of Education today, and even explorations of sports/athletics. I make no promises...other than this blogging adventure will contain at least two entries.
Though I am an English professional, I do not plan on over-editing my writing. I'm a big fan of emotion and stream of conscious. Each post will essentially be an invitation to discussion, a chance for learning, an opportunity to explore. All I ask that is that if you are interested, explore and learn with me. If something appeals to you, I hope we can discuss it in a civil manner. If something does not appeal to you, I invite you to close the post.
My guess is that the initial direction of my blogs will be Israel-centric, given the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. From there, who knows...
I want to thank those that have reached out to me in the past few weeks to tell me that they have appreciated my writing on Facebook, that they have been inspired by my messages, and that they have learned about the current situation in Israel through my eyes. I also realize that a whole bunch of folks have already blocked me or shut me out because they're tired of hearing my views. It is a free country. In any case, for those that have made the effort to compliment me - your energy is the impetus and the seeds for what follows. And finally, a big shout out to my friend, Jimmy John, whose amazing blogging continually amazes me. Thank YOU all for inspiring me.
In any case, if you're game, I hope you come on along and enjoy the ride!
Achim Simcha!