At this point, the truth is, I still get misty, fairly regularly, when I think of her. I miss her so much - and at this point, I know that I will always have this part of me that is forever with her over the Rainbow Bridge. She will always have a space in my heart that cannot be replaced. For anyone reading this that's lost a pet, you know what I am feeling and saying.
And if I'm being totally honest, I'm not sure I'm ready for this; after all - I cried again on Wednesday night as Brandi and I discussed whether or not to use Oskee's University of Illinois water bowl.
So that pretty much leaves 2 questions which I figure are on most people's minds. I'm going to try to keep this simple and just answer those questions. First of all, why go through this again?
- It's primarily for the kids (though Brandi would argue that it's for me). Alon was 22 months old when we lost Oskee, yet he still regularly asks about her...and he loves Paw Patrol. And Ami and Nadav have been asking for a dog lately as well, so all of the boys are on board.
- Brandi and I believe it is a great thing for kids to grow up with a dog. Oskee was such a positive part of Ami and Nadav's life, and we want the same for Alon.
- Ami and Nadav will be taking more responsibility and that's a good thing too. I realize that many kids say they will take responsibility for a new pet, and do not, but Ami will have to, whether he likes it or not, because he is often the last to leave the house in the morning and the first to return in the afternoon. He knows this and he is looking forward to it.
- We miss the unconditional love of a dog - there's something about coming home to a house where a loving pet is waiting there for you. These past months, it has been eerily difficult to come home to an empty house.
The second logical question is: how am I doing this even though I am still gutted from losing Oskee?
- I have to thank one of you, and I apologize for not remembering who it was - but someone said to me a few months ago that Oskee would want us to give another dog a good home and life - just like we gave to her. There are so many dogs in shelters that need homes, and some how, some way, I guess we are honoring Oskee's memory by taking in another as part of our family. This is the idea that I am clinging to and it is the idea that is helping me through this transition.

We ask you to love her like you all loved Oskee. Obviously, we expect Lucy to be different in personality - but so many of you opened your hearts to Oskee from the beginning, and she loved you too. We hope to give Lucy the same loving home, family, and friends that Oskee enjoyed for 15 years. Here we go! Good Times Ahead!