Thursday, October 21, 2021

Twas the Night Before Surgery...


When I was in high school, a lifetime ago, we had to write a parody poem and I recall writing one called, "Twas the Night Before Finals..." I considered doing the same here, but I will spare you, for now. 

Ironically though, just the other day I was talking about my lyrical prowess and ability to turn any traditional song or poem into a twisted, demented bastardization (or parody, if you will) of the original. It was a hilarious memory and distraction that arose in a conversation with my buddies on the Marco Polo App, as they continued to offer their encouragement and support leading up to surgery tomorrow.

And with that, I have delicately spun a yarn from the "Twas the Night..." parody to the real focus of this last post before the doc skewers me and gives me the weight-loss surgery I have long dreamed of having: YOU, my friends, my loves, my generous network of #GratefulFighters who are in my corner and rooting me on to battle.

Today, I arrived at my office desk to find the package pictured above, and over the last few days, we have received an outpouring of cards and generous gestures from colleagues and friends. And, many others have signed up to provide us with meals for what seems like the rest of 2021, have offered to help the kids with carpools, etc. It is not in my nature to accept gifts or handouts (some of you have often been frustrated by my gift refusal).  I am much more comfortable being the one to provide help, comfort, an ear/shoulder to lean on, and hugs. I'm not going to lie - accepting all of this generosity hasn't been easy for me, but I am working on it. That being said, I am incredibly humbled and grateful for all of the gifts/meals/help.

Even more overwhelming and absolutely incredible, though, has been the public and private notes of support I have received from new friends and from friends I have literally known for several decades. Notes of support from colleagues, friends I have met along my musical journey, camp friends (Ramah and OSRUI), family, parents of the boys' friends who we have met on the sport-fields, and parking lots, and carpool lanes, and school events over the years, neighbors, Brandi's friends, my friends and their spouses, my Shorashim Israel family, and more. I have gotten messages from Thailand, from Israel, from over a dozen different US states (and that's a conservative estimate), and from Toronto and Windsor, Canada (I am so stressed I'm missing a group of folks...and if so, it's not intentional!).

I am in awe of the massive network of blessings, love, and support that we have amassed throughout this world - and there just are not enough words to do any justice to how each message and wish has made me feel. So just know, the outpouring has been incredibly powerful and I will be eternally grateful to each and every one of you in my corner. And know these things:

  • I hear and feel each one of you who have reached out. Yes, I mean it - every single darn one of you. It has made a difference, filling my heart and bolstering my positive mindset.
  • I am so grateful to those who have reached out and shared their own battles and journeys. Your experiences and paths help make my own path more clear and less lonely.
  • I am appreciative to those of you who have told me that my words are providing some meaning and voice to your own journeys.
  • I celebrate each person who has reached out to let me know that they have scheduled their own screenings or encouraged friends and those they love to do so. Keep spreading the word: Screenings and Early Detection Saves Lives!!

I would be remiss without specifically mentioning how helpful my parents have been over the past few weeks. Even as my dad is struggling with his own battle with Lymphoma, they have provided meals and rides and support for us. I cannot imagine what my mother is going through, internally, having to manage this horrible battle on two fronts, but she is pretty incredible. The same goes for my fantastic mother-in-law, Shari, and my father-in-law, Bob. From helping with Lucy and the kids, to supporting Brandi...I just don't know how we'd do any of this without all 4 of my parents. We are indebted to them all!

Finally, I have to mention my wife who has been unbelievable since the first moment we heard those awful words just 3+ short weeks ago. Not only has she been an emotional rock for me to lean on (as she always is), but she has picked up ALL of the slack that has fallen on her shoulders as I struggle with this battle.  She works, she has taken over managing the house renovation, she deals with the kids, she helps arrange all of my appointments, she reminds me to follow the doctor's diet and instructions, and so much more. She is amazing and I know that she will need you all to support her in the days, weeks, and months to come. All warriors have to also take care of their own selves and emotions - and Brandi will have to do that as well. I am comforted to know that we have such an amazing support system, and that when she needs, she will be well cared for.

Again, not enough words to express my gratitude to you all near and far. I want each person who has reached out and touched our lives to know that I love you so much. This is a love letter to you all, and nothing short of that. Thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

Please get your screenings.
Please say your prayers.

I will see all of you, my army of #GratefulFighters, on the other side when we beat this thing.

With love,


  1. Thank you sharing this. I just came across Brandi's posts through Facebook. I will keep you in prayer.
    - Carly Lacombe
